Monday, October 19, 2009

monday monday monday

well as u can see its monday lol, today i have had the laziest day just doing wii fit then trying to organize my mums 50th party.
Have weigh in in half and hour and cant wait so looking forward to it i have been really good this week , even went to a 50th and drank jime beam zeros and instead of having a big piece of cake i had a little bit of my daughters and i mean little. so im proud i have been tracking all week and exercising everyday and i feel good, I feel that good that last week i decided to go off my depression tablets for me , i think the more i have been walking the better i feel and i think the walking makes me want to move more and it even has a weird way of making me want to do the house work (weird i know) it must be those endorphans kicking in.
Will write again sometime in next few days with the results

Friday, October 16, 2009

its friday and im still on track

hi everyone well today is friday and yep im still doing really well this week with being on track , tracking and exercising ( although it would be better if it would stop raining). I have been counting points all week and can proudly say that i am still on track.I have been trying to get about 3 points a day with my exercise considering the weather i think thats good.
I went to big w yesterday and thought i might buy a folder and plastic pockets so that i can write or printrecipes off theweight watchers website as well as making my own so that my partner can help with the cooking as well and know that he is doing it all ok.
On another note i dunno if i have ever written about my beautiful little girl taylah but we find out next week if she will still be finishing chemo in december, i so hope so, i wanna start a new year with no problems and look forward to movinginto a new place ( when we buy one) and not to have her go through what she has had to for the last year. I know its not as bad as some chemo patients but she is still my little girl who is only 29months old.
Anyways enough of that better go pick her up from day care, hopefully i can get through the weekend without any problems as we have a party to go to tomorrow night after work, should be ok my partner is buying me jim beam zero's so that should all be good.
Thats all from me for now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

back on track for real this time

so i was reading the new weight watchers mag last night after my meeting and it had a good article on blogging, how people use it to express themselves kinda like a diary and it got me thinking this would work for me i think, its sort of what i was doing already but maybe ican expand a bit more.
I knew my weigh in this week was going to be bad and im so stupid for letting 1.6kgs get back on NOT HAPPY JAN...... this week and for the rest of my life i am determined to stay on track and count my points , meal plan , exercise and go to my meetings and loose the weight. I get on such a high like everyone else when i loose and its a fantastic feeling especially going into the shops and getting new clothes. Iv always hated clothes shopping not being able to find what i like and stuff like that.
WELL NO MORE - i know i have said it before but i am definately on track i have realised what is the point of eating that fatty food when all it does is make u upset beacause u have gone off plan and it makes u stack on the weight and doesnt even fill u up, yeah it might taste nice but whats the point.
I love my vegies and i think i just have to be better prepared. I had planned to go for a bike ride today but somehow i dont think so as its pouring here sowill get off the computer soon and get my biggest looser dvd out and do that. Maybe even the wii active as well. I been a bit slack lately with all that we brough the wii and have hardly even used it.
Anyways thats enough of my yapping for now have a great day all and ill post again soon

Monday, October 12, 2009

bit of a hiccup but staying on track from now on

Hi all , god its been awhile since i have wrote on here . Since last time i have now gotten up to my 16kgs and am loving it i even went clothes shopping other week and had to order in smaller pants first time ever.
I have been naughty this past week (not all week ) but i know if i go the weigh in tonight it will be bad. Sam our leader challenged us to do 10,000 steps a day and out of the 6 days i did it 5 of them so i am proud of myself for that. I think this week lack of planning really did it for me .
Anyways here is to the start of a new week and here is to seeing less of me .
Hope everyone is doing well on their journey and will post again soon.